Private Island Drive and Anne of Green Gables

- Immerse yourself in the picturesque landscapes of the Private Island Drive and Anne of Green Gables tour, featuring iconic sights like Cavendish Beach.
- Delve into the world of L.M. Montgomery's beloved novels with a stop at the Anne of Green Gables homestead, a cherished spot for fans worldwide.
- Visit the PEI Preserve Company, a must-stop for Islanders and visitors alike, offering delicious, locally made preserves and a 12-acre garden sanctuary.
- Don't miss your chance to make lasting memories on this private tour. Book quickly, spaces are limited, and satisfaction is guaranteed.
Private Island Drive and Anne of Green Gables
Your private Island Drive and Anne of Green Gables tour features some of the most picturesque Island landscapes to be found, from rolling farmland to seaside villages, and from lighthouses to the renowned Cavendish Beach.
This panoramic tour takes you to all-things-Island, with plenty of opportunities to stop and gather some stunning photos along the way.
Two of the not-to-be-missed stops on the tour include the cherished Anne of Green Gables homestead; the inspiration behind L.M. Montgomery's beloved novels, and the PEI Preserve Company; a must-stop for Islanders and visitors alike to stock up on delicious, locally made preserves.
"Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world." - L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables.
When the novel Anne of Green Gables was first published in 1908, most people could only dream of visiting its magical setting. As the book became popular around the world, it's likely that many readers had no idea where Prince Edward Island was. They may have even wondered, "Is it a real place?" Today, millions of the book's fans have made the trip to PEI and discovered the land that captivated Anne in Lucy Maud Montgomery's stories. And for those who just can't get enough of their favorite red-headed girl, or the woman who created her, there are Anne-related attractions all over the Island.
In 1987, a 1913 Creamery was purchased in a worn-down building on the bank of the River Clyde, in the lovely village of New Glasgow in Prince Edward Island. The owner's goal was to renovate and create a food destination that welcomed and treated guests to food with integrity and flavor. It all started with low sugar preserves, specialty foods, blending full leaf tea, and has since grown to include spice blends as well. As part of the proprietor's larger purpose, they started The Gardens of Hope, a 12-acre garden sanctuary next door with a mission of opening a Respite Cottage for those dealing with life-threatening illnesses.
Also enjoy brief photo stops at quaint little fishing villages, lighthouses and the world-class Cavendish Beach.
A scenic day awaits on this private tour while in Prince Edward Island.
Please Note: No entrance fees are included with this tour.
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